The demo is fully released!


  • The demo is now fully finished and polished.

New Features

  1. Expanded gameplay with additional challenges and levels.
  2. Players can now switch between the two main characters during gameplay.
  3. Improved overall sound effects with balanced loudness.
  4. Redesigned main menu with a fresh UI.


  1. The game will support 5+ languages prior to the official release.
  2. The credits page is in development and will be completed soon.

Known Issues

  1. There is a bug in the opening sequence that can cause the character to briefly get stuck in place for up to 5 seconds.

The team is working hard to address this bug and incorporate all the new features. We appreciate your patience and look forward to sharing the full game with you soon!

Files 1.2 GB
Version 15 76 days ago

Get Outrun DEMO

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